CBE+ are proud to be sponsoring Evolution 24 Sim Race in their competition to win in the 24-hour round-the-clock Daytona on the 9th of September 2022. All funds raised from the team will go to St Johns Ambulance.
Sim-Racing is the short form of “simulated racing”. As the name suggests, this genre is all about reflecting real racing as accurately as possible – including variables such as fuel consumption, tire wear, and vehicle setup. In the past, sim racers and professional racers cross paths in large-scale charity events.
St Johns Ambulance deliver a range of services including first aid, from Community First Responders to emergency response support. They also supported the NHS to care for people and deliver vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The clinical expertise and the skill of St John Ambulance volunteers make St John unique. Each of the St John clinical volunteers undertakes basic first aid training, and often progress with other specialist modules, this training, however, comes at a cost of £100 per person as a minimum.
Anthony Marriott, Electroless Nickel Plater at CBE+, is heading up the team.
He said “By taking on an environmentally friendly fundraising activity, I can help make sure the volunteers can continue to be trained to the best standard possible. I am hoping to raise as much as possible to support this amazing cause. It costs around £100 to train each St John volunteer who will go on to support or care for twelve people during their time of need.”
“For every £7.60* you fundraise, you will change someone’s life. So, by helping me support St John Ambulance you are not only helping me but so many others!”
CBE+ has a strong sense of corporate social responsibility that is reflected by the initiatives they get involved in, this is just another example of where the business has supported both its employees and charity.
Donations are open now and beyond the event, just visit to donate https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/evolution24simrace
You can find out more about the team here Evolution Sim Racing – A Worldwide Friendly Sim Racing Community
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