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Two senior staff members from Chesterfield-based manufacturer CBE+ have been spending their weekends volunteering in the mass Covid-19 vaccination effort.

Marie Cooper, CEO, and Frances Crossland, Commercial Manager, both began volunteering at Spectrum Community Health Centre back in February, along with family members who are also supporting the cause.

The volunteers gave up 4 hours each weekend to help organise the flow of people through the vaccination centre. This included greeting people, managing queues and handing information leaflets out.

The temporary vaccination centre was targeted with vaccinating 500 people per day – however they have been overperforming thanks to the efficiency of the health team and volunteers. In February, the team were averaging 780 vaccinations per day. By 15th March, the centre was giving the lifesaving vaccine to over 1000 people per day, with reports that soon, the second vaccine will begin to be issued.

With so many people passing through the centre each day, volunteers are essential to help keep everything flowing smoothly, whilst maintaining health and safety standards.

Frances Crossland, Commercial Manager at CBE+ is still volunteering every Saturday afternoon. She said:

‘Volunteering at the vaccination centre has been a rewarding experience. We have met so many different people, from the elderly to those at risk and their carers. Everyone has had their own story to tell. The sense of security people gain when they receive the vaccine is tremendous and it’s great to be able to contribute to bringing the country one step closer to normality.’

Marie Cooper, CEO, said:

‘It was great to be able to support this important cause. I am proud to work with people who are kind and generous enough to dedicate their own time to improve the lives of others.’