Case Study: CBE+ Helps Global Rolling Mill Supplier reshore their Supply Chain with Precision Machining
Case Study: CBE+ Helps Global Rolling Mill Supplier reshore their Supply Chain with Precision Machining Situation A customer supplying rolling mill equipment wanted to reshore its supply chain back to the UK, reducing reliance on international suppliers and increasing local production. They needed a partner who could deliver precise machining on cast parts at […]
Case Study: Precision Machining & Electroless Nickel Plating for the Rail sector
Case Study: Precision Machining & Electroless Nickel Plating for the Rail sector Situation A long-standing plating customer of CBE+, was interested in exploring the possibility of outsourcing their machining needs to CBE+ as well. This interest arose after CBE+ relocated its plating facility to Enterprise Drive, consolidating its various capabilities. Task The customer requested CBE+ […]
The benefits of Design for Manufacture
The benefits of Design for Manufacture Design for Manufacture is a term often used in precision engineering, but what does it mean? Design for Manufacture (DFM) is the process used to create optimised products at minimal cost. This includes simplifying and refining the design of components to make the manufacturing process more efficient and reach […]